Meet Lazetta

One of only 2% Black Certified Financial Planner® professionals in the country out of 100,000+ CFPs®
Named one of Crain’s New York Notable Black Leaders
Ranked Top 10 of Investopedia’s 100 Top Financial Advisors
CNBC Digital Financial Advisor Council member
Wall Street Journal (WSJ) Wealth Management Expert Blog contributor
WealthManagement.com Culture and Wealth contributor
FinancialPlanning.com Human Capital contributor
NextAvenue.com GenX and Money contributor
Founder and Managing Principal, The Real Wealth Coterie
Founder & CEO, Lazetta & Associates

Notable Partners

“As a veteran member of the financial advisory profession, I have witnessed very few financial experts who speak with such eloquence, brevity and clarity as Lazetta. Her commitment to serving underrepresented populations has inspired individuals, professional colleagues, and corporations to take seriously the business imperative of Diversity and Inclusion.”
-LeCount R. Davis CFP®, Founder - Association of African American Financial Advisors (AAAA) & AAAA Foundation, Author, One Step Back, Two Steps Forward